Grant Program


ASNW Grant Program


Applicants must be a member of Adaptive Sports Northwest (ASNW).

Funds requested may only be applied to programming and services sanctioned by ASNW.

Funds are generally distributed for fees associated with registration, travel and equipment – reasonable alternatives will be considered (organizational debt cannot be waived or paid through grant program).

Requests for grant amounts over $200.00 are exceptional and awarded by extenuating circumstances.

No individual may receive more than one grant award in a calendar year.

ASNW Grant awards are not given on a continuance – each grant award must have its own application.

No individual may apply for funds more than once per quarter.

Applications will not be considered if applicant/family have outstanding financial obligations with ASNW.

Grant awards are not transferable for the needs of other recipients or athletes.

The Grant Committee (three individuals) meet monthly, as needed – applicants should not expect their application to be expedited based on their individual need.

Applicants will receive an answer to their grant request within 60 days of the submission date – in some circumstances, athletes will hear sooner.

The Grant Committee, at its discretion, may meet to consider timely and special circumstances.

In only unique circumstances would an applicant meet with or otherwise appear before the Grant committee – It should be rare for either the Grant Committee or applicant to request this process.

Grant award winners are required to submit a receipt(s) in the sum amount to justify the grant award provided – Residual funding from the award should be returned to ASNW.

Names of those applying for grant funds are predominantly confidential and will not be shared except for circumstances where there is need in order to make an award decision – Additional unnamed sources may be consulted to determine candidate eligibility, etc. (ASNW does not guarantee strict confidentiality of grant applicants).

ASNW Grant Committee:

  1. Carly Schmidt; Board President
  2. Judi Hall; Board Treasurer
  3. Jen Armbruster; Executive Director


CAF MISSION: It is the mission of the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) to provide opportunities and support to people with physical challenges, so they can pursue active lifestyles through physical fitness and competitive athletics. The Challenged Athletes Foundation believes that involvement in sports at any level increases self-esteem, encourages independence and enhances quality of life.

ASNW grant applicants must have already submitted for, or agree to submit for, CAF Grant funding.

Why does ASNW require simultaneous CAF Grant submission:

  • CAF Grant funding has a high acceptance rate – this reduces the annual demand on our scholarship funds, which are relatively limited
  • CAF Grant funding is specifically designed to support registration, travel and equipment needs for individuals with physical disabilities
  • CAF Grant funding awards are generally more financially impactful

Examples of qualifying disabilities for CAF Grant funding include:

Achondroplasia or dwarfism, Amputations (acquired or congenital), Arthrogryposis, Ataxia, Athetosis, Cerebral Palsy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth, Leg length difference, Hypertonia, Hypotonia, Impaired Muscle Power, Impaired Passive ROM, Limb Deficiency, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Paraplegia, Polio, Quadriplegia, Spina Bifida, Visual Impairment, Severe TBI (adversely affects mobility)

CAF Grant funding permits request for assistance with the following needs:

  • Travel expenses
  • Competition expenses
  • Coaching & Training expenses
  • Equipment expenses (once every 3 years if over 18 years old / once every 2 years if under 18)
  • Athletic Prosthetics

CAF Grant applicants should anticipate submitting financial and medical information along with a personal letter and two high resolution photos. Detailed descriptions available at CAF website (noted below).

CAF Grant season is typically in the fall, between early September and early November. CAF applicants are highly encouraged to not wait to submit their application until the end of the application period (final two weeks) – CAF notes that there are often issues of applications being incomplete and late submissions makes it difficult to correct the need.

ASNW Grant applicants must submit documentation (confirmation email) for their completed CAF Grant application submission. Those having not yet applied will submit a copy of their confirmation email at a later date – Please let ASNW know that your CAF grant application is in process.

Additional CAF Grant information:

Additional CAF contact information:

ASNW Scholarship Grant Application

    All fields are required unless otherwise noted.

    Is the athlete a member with ASNW?

    Has the athlete applied for the Challenged Athletes Foundation Grant?

    Activity/Sport for which grant funds would be applied

    Please use the following fields to itemize and describe your specific need(s) including the associated costs. If listing more than one need, the total of their costs should not exceed the Requested Amount above.